All things to do with the 8 limbs of yoga
"Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind" ~ Patanjali
"You are the most important person under the sun" ~Gurusharananda
My current class schedule is listed on the left side of screen, please scroll down.

Monday, July 18, 2016

More Mandalas to color.....

Here's more Mandalas for you to choose from and print, as well as the guidelines below. I'll be posting more in the coming days/weeks:


1. Printing out a Mandala that I post -or if you have a favorite one you've found. (I'll be posting  different ones throughout the upcoming days/weeks.

2. Use Colored pencils

3. Cut your mandala out when it's complete (Also if you're open to it, please take a picture of it and post it on my blog and/or facebook page).

4. Write with light color or pencil on back of Mandala (so doesn't show through), your name, and how you're connected with me and/or Yoga With Stacy.

5. Bring the Mandala with you to your yoga class at Yoga With Stacy, or you can mail it to me:

Yoga With Stacy
Main Street Center- Suite 7
6448 Main Street
North Branch, MN 55056

6. Most importantly....Have FUN!!!!!


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