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Sunday, July 3, 2016

How do we treat yoga differently in the West?

Ok, we aren't THAT bad with yoga in the west, well.....not always, anyway :)

But I think you'll find this as interesting as I did!:

An excerpt from The Edge Magazine ( A conversation with novelist Karan Bajaj:

What are your thoughts on how yoga and meditation  are practiced in the United States?

KB: I think it is at a very nascent level- perhaps that's the best way to put it. There are two dichotomies here. In the West it's a very physical practice, and even meditation is a practice to become productive and more at peace. In the East, you think of the deep spiritual practices as a journey of complete dissolution of the self, the ego. In the West, it is the opposite, like you are using these practices to further your ego by being more productive , being more this, and getting more out of your work and earning more money. In the East the whole idea is that you are dissolving your essence through these practices. 

So, these approaches are very different, but I hope what happens is that once you are in the journey, you evolve your own position. 
Well said Karan Bajaj!!

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